While I was browsing the Reverse Engineering sub on Reddit a few months ago, I came across a puzzle that the poster said came from a Danish newspaper.
It consisted of a single fairly large image, with a small amount of x86 assembly on one side, and a large block of text on the other, formatted to
display a question mark. So, having finally had the time to sit down and solve this recently, I thought I would do a writeup, explaining my
thought processes along the way in the hopes someone can learn from it. Another goal here is to expose people to the majesty of Radare2, which
is a Vim-like commandline reverse engineering tool that follows the principles of the Unix philosophy.

It looks like a CrackMe, or capture the flag exercise. The x86 assembly is clearly a virtual machine, and I assumed the block of text on the
right would be a binary that runs on that virtual machine. I call the machine, for lack of a better name, Dan32, because as I later
found out, it is a 32-bit virtual machine, and originates from Denmark.
The block of text on the right is base64 encoded, which is easy enough to to convert back into a binary file, but since it is an image,
we can’t directly get at that block in a text format without doing some kind of optical character recognition. We can guess it is base64
encoded by the characters used, and really after you’ve seen a lot of base64, you can usually spot it pretty easily.
I tried a few online OCR services, which did not work, and since I had invested almost no time into this, I was ready to say the hell with it.
I was not about to type all that base64 text into my text editor by hand.
I did end up solving this puzzle and creating tools to reverse engineer it, what follows is a detailed writeup, read on for more.
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